Speaking and Writing


In addition to providing coaching services, I am also a public speaker and writer.  I am involved in my local area with several writing groups. I am a member of The Mississippi Writer's Guild and currently serve as secretary of the Central Branch of the Mississippi Poetry Society. These are some of the topics that I provide for public speaking.

  • Life is more than surviving
  • JOY - Joyously Outliving Yesterday
  • Your ICONIC self
  • Managing Stress through Mindset Shifts
  • Focus on the inner self, for the beauty of self
Unique and effective copy can give your more sales leads and increase your client base!

Unique and effective copy can give your more sales leads and increase your client base!

I also provide copywriting services for businesses. My copywriting services are provided by Today is your CANVAS, As YOU ARE, Write your world BEAUTIFUL™ I love to provide copy for fellow coaches and other service related businesses. If you are struggling with defining the "why" of your business or defining your services, I would love to help you with your copy for your website, copy for emails and copy for newsletters.  

An example of copy written for a coach's Facebook group:

Breathe and let go

Nourish your mind in the lush comfort of self-love
Ease your heart into the soft awakenings of trust
Breathe in the full expanse of your journey,
And free fall into the tranquility of new found joy, the freedom of today, lived in moments of serenity, chosen by you, for you.

A woman, freely breathing in her beautiful destiny, and relaxing in a safe cocoon of realization, honoring her mind, body and soul. ©LMN


Write your world BEAUTIFUL!

Write your world BEAUTIFUL!


In addition to copy, I write poems for all occasions. Many of my poems are used for wedding announcements, birth announcements and memorial events.

Words can add beauty to all occasions!

Words can add beauty to all occasions!

An example of a poem written for a memorial service:

Johnny Come Lately

How do you feel?

When it comes to the end

Where do you go to fill the need?

To understand the need

To reach out and ask

Help me with my need

I need to fulfill my life

In a brevity of time

Of space

To see the love of each seed’s face

The gentle touch of family

Days gone by

Memories of yesterday do not matter

Only today’s minutes

Staring dangerously in the face of life

While death is breathing

On every laugh and smile


I want to feel youth again

Her gentle caress against my cheek

I want to feel the newlywed kiss of my wife

Hear my babies’ first gasps of life

I want to rest my head on life’s pillow

Hear the gentle comfort of the wind

As it whispers hello, on a crisp fall morn

Eat slices of life, days and nights torn

From the pages of me

Breathe in the fragrance of God’s nature

As fields of greenery blind my eyes with their beauty

Oh, if time could stand still

But, I’m wise, not foolish

I know God’s hand draws near

And if I so shed a tear

It’s not from sadness

But, from the sheer masterpiece

Of my life

I am alive today

And I am free, for a few more hours

A few more days

To paint the picture

That completes me

The one, that when finished

Will have you say

Johnny didn’t come lately

He lived for today ©LMN


I would love to help you write your story and define your purpose!


Please email lisa@lisamccrawnewell.com for quotes on these services.